
Spirited Animals is the working name of LA based artist Nicole Momaney. She grew up in Massachusetts at the very northern tip of the Bridgewater Triangle and spent most of her childhood days frolicking in the swampy forest behind her house, catching salamanders, climbing trees and searching for any sort of treasure nature provided.

After attending Massachusetts College of Art in Boston she moved to New York where she spent several years in the home design world working as a color and product designer for various high end decor companies. Though removed from the natural world physically she continued to utilize nature as the main inspiration behind her design work. She moved to Los Angeles in 2007 with a reinvigorated aspiration to focus on painting and reconnecting with nature.

Spirited Animal’s work is allegorical, utilizing flora and fauna to create a symbolic world that weaves a story often speaking to myth (both personal and traditional), esoteric concepts or commenting on current times. The intention is to formulate a world someone attracted to nature can step into and explore without being prescriptive about the meaning of the work, though it is there if someone is interested. What is most important to her is that a person can look at it and feel a visual and emotional connection on a subjective level.

Through connecting with the natural world we connect with the foundation of the tapestry we are all woven into. It is a place of healing and learning. It is a place where we can feel humbled by the beauty of a flower, by the scale of a mountain, by the brutality of a hawk swooping down on its prey or by the overwhelming power of an unexpected storm. Through this humbling it is possible to find our place in it all by simply recognizing and acknowledging the place of the things around us.
